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Even if they are slaughtered, life is also a treasure; animal skin gelatin, a valuable medicine; donkey meat dumplings and delicious; Even donkey dung, but also the finest natural green manure. Donkey only one drawback, and that is shouting. However, crying, in the unassuming personality, it is in the west to sing, how wild, uninhibited! Noble ass! Dead monkeys ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you value more than donkeys do? The director crossed his waist, with wolf eyes gazed Wukong. The Wukong moment speechless, I do not know what to say. His heart has been thinking about the director, dead donkey he said into valuable live donkey, and say the rhythmic, it seems, he probably really do not like a donkey. Ass who has so many advantages, they do not compare donkey. Think of it, the Wukong apologetically: director, a thorough analysis of the problems of the donkey, brilliantly mont blanc pens understand the donkey truth louis vuitton outlet To donkey learning, good work like a donkey, donkey, the future is {K } example!

Understand the spirit of the donkey, dry work there is fresh! mont blanc refills look louis vuitton outlet, Director, rehearsals and full of donkey King! Ass blood flows in the veins, who braved the ass sweat, and even the toilet to defecate donkey dung! This is the spirit! The director said that, the The drunkenly split a fork, and then can not help but learn a twice Lvjiao. Activities director smartly body said. The Wukong eyes straight. He seemed to understand over the donkey world is filled with youthful vitality. He was in front of a blank, body feeling some wooden stake. He seems to want to learn I heard Lvjiao, he went to the West, the Flaming Mountain Adventures, catch a donkey cart into the Turpan vineyards, know what real Lvjiao is sound. But he refrained, he was afraid of the authenticity of the sound called out over the director, so he controlled his emotions.

This is the Ninjutsu data mont blanc to identify the original. Amaterasu - attack and cited strange black flame kaleidoscope write round eyes must. The hands jianying two places at once - avatar entity shuriken. Rain in the sand - Sand,ralph lauren, wrap a seal must. The sand storm mourners - instantaneous compression sand volume, crumb, a seal must. Flow of sand storm stream - a large number of sand-like rolling waves, a seal must. Sand storm buried - a large amount of sand instant compression volume, to crush a seal must. - With sand to build a shield like civet cats, absolute defense, a seal must keep the crane Shield. Third Eye - with sand to create the third eye, and connected to the optic nerve, a seal must. Shadow bound - shadow to seal each other's actions, Konoha secret surgery.

