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Kakashi, Naruto will use 107 Ray escape _ unicorn - Sasuke uses the 108 -day levy --- Shinra Yahiko ability to use Payne can bounce all attacks. 109, write round eyes ( pupil technique ) - insight into, copy, hypnosis Uchiha clan blood following boundaries 110, kaleidoscope write round eyes ( pupil technique ) - more advanced than the pupil of the eye surgery written round, multi- function attack following blood Uchiha clan boundaries 111, supercilious ( Hitomi surgery ) - can insight, perspective, perspective, there are 360 full view, and gradually close to full as the day after the beginning though not, but you can practice the family blood following boundaries 112, May read ( illusion ) - the other side being long suffering in the spiritual world, but in fact just a moment kaleidoscope write round eyes have 113 physical and mental conversion technique ( illusion ) - the freedom to manipulate the body into each other, but this time their the body in a dormant state, and the new body will be injured under attack from Konoha secret operation 114, fretting body of art ( illusionist ) - let there burberry outlet manipulate each other's actions, and still his body is still in control of his own spirit Konoha secret technique 115, the Magic Flute Fantasy tone lock ( illusionist ) - to seal each other's actions and it is in a white space and can not observe the enemy's movements 116, line art of darkness ( illusion ) - the other side is a black space and can not observe the enemy's movements to create second-generation 117, the instantaneous body surgery - teleport 118, the art of hidden color - the color of his surroundings as one solution, do not let the enemy found 119 soil places to escape rock collapse - call rockfall 120 pound goal, Tudun ripper turn palm - 121 through the ground cracking slap, spider tie - spit spider silk to trap the target of a ghost child pill 122 people from the mouth, sticky spider gold - mouth in quick-drying, high hardness, toughness sharp objects thrown at a target without bitter pill of a ghost child will 123 spider wrapping - spit out the cobwebs trapped ghost child pill a target 124 people from the mouth, the spider nest open - spit from the mouth of a huge spider web to trap a target ghost child pill 125 people, needle Jizo - hair elongation and hedgehog -like spines to protect themselves 126 chakra scalpel ( medical Ninjutsu ) - the investigation Carat gathered in the hands of a knife used to do, you can cut in the absence of the target body trauma cases, and any elongation of 127, heal ( medical Ninjutsu ) - heal the target 128, disrupting nerve surgery ( name custom ) - disrupt the body's nervous system target to achieve its wish to move to another part of your body will move part 129, creating regeneration ( medical Ninjutsu ) - in the long term will be a lot of chakra gathered somewhere in the body releases when you need to instantly heal all the damage itself However, shortening the life of 130, Tudun lives marsh - summons a large swamp 131, smog - 132 smog emitted from the mouth, inflammation of the fire escape toad oil bomb - the text is too toad mouth a lot of oil ignited and ejected emitted by its power to burn to the target text too must summon the toad 133, toad knife chop ( shader surgery knife ) - with a huge knife Kanxiang goal Bunta a toad frog will 134 Tudun mud escape - by pounding the ground part cracking, loss of balance and fall the target 135, Tudun soil land returned - in front of his erect a wall to protect their small 136, chipping palm ( body art ) - 137 slap rock hit ( body art ) - Boxing 138 tiles shuriken - make tiles like shuriken as automatically to the target 139, sand shuriken - the sand come together and make it as automatic as shuriken to the target 140, bunk the technique - make yourself go to sleep in an instant, to call 141 sand crane observe, tongue tooth stick acid - emitted from the mouth to acid live slugs will ( like a caterpillar that Tsunade summon ) 142, Magic Long nine letters do ( seal surgery ) - used when a powerful printing solution technique is used to unlock the zero tail beast seal 143, storm water, water will escape the wave - Forced spray of water from the mouth of the targets, the amount of water after the second generation of the water to escape the water Xiang Yu ( 68 ) 144, gossip empty palm ( soft boxing body surgery ) - hand chakras shockwave hit targets ( not visible to the naked eye, unlike the thousands of birds spiral pill 23,24 louis vuitton wallet section ) must be 145 supercilious, fingers shark - transport from the surface down with chakra five fingers and a shark attack underwater targets 146 look toward peacock - will come together to chakra flaming fan to play around with six doors 147 must be open, like turn of the surgery - so that others get the same with their appearance and they will use all the surgery ( including blood following boundaries ), but only three percent of all abilities the body, the body controlled by the action, never lose self- burberry outlet online consciousness, becomes exhausted once CKL 148 deaths, sand iron rain - profuse with magnetic iron sand target, and destroy all the puppets to create 149 three generations Fengying, water escape water dragon bomb ---- use chakra control water into the shape of dragon headed towards the enemy.

151,burberry sale, to burst Star (S Class ) : This day surgery and Shinra levy ( strengthened ), as will shorten the life of Payne. Forced to make a chakra ball attracts a wide range of objects all around, even tiny objects can not escape the gravitational force, the use of rock attracted to create a small ball of rock wrapped in goal, the goal of seal in the middle, so loss of ability to act. Tailed beast trapped but was Naruto Uzumaki nine states break. Payne original comic book character ( 20 ) 152, the art of mirror Raider (A grade ) : arranged in the [ five ] Enchantment of the trap.

( See Kay Fengying burberry outlet online rescue squad in four fights when Gaara, comics, then 14 from 263 ) 153 seal operation · Magic Dragon nine letters do (S Class ) : Re- seal the beast 's tail surgery, requires a lot of investigation Carat and time, you must first tail beast power from the human body pulled the column, in the conversion to the heretics Golem ; Upon completion, the column force people died on the spot. After dawn members in attendance will take three days and three nights to complete the seal. 154 free rain tiger art of ( - level ) : the ability to control the rain, when the rain was blocked off will be able to know the person's situation.


